A little while ago I wrote an article for HSBC’s Expat Explorer Blog. It’s called “Should I stay or should I go?” and is about the choices we face as expats when our partner dies.
You can read it here – Expat Explorer Blog – Should I stay or Should I go?
Basically, I think I am saying that whilst people at home may perceive our expat life to be nothing more than a bloody long holiday, particularly if you happen to live somewhere touristy and sunny, it is actually a real life and we shouldn’t be expected to just abandon it when we’re suddenly alone.
It amazes me the amount of ex-pats who are ready to throw the towel in at the first sign of trouble. If there was no trouble or problems, then it would paradise and the whole world and his wife would be living here!
Another great post Karyn, as a couple we have discussed this issue, I always say that I would go back to England but as you say, we made the decision together to move out here so it would almost seem disrespectful to pack up and go “home”.
Feel so sad for you that you never had chance to say goodbye
Take Care xxxx